Ma tenteaza sa fac o "iesire" in Aprilie 2010 in Indonezia.
Mai exact aici:
Cazarea este ieftina. transportul insa nu. Sau poate fi rezonabil daca imi cumpar bilete din timp.
Mai tenteaza pe cineva?
- Principe76
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"From birth, man carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders... But man has only to dive beneath the surface and he is free." - J.Y. Cousteau
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Cu airasia din londra ar costa cam 368 lire sterline pana in kuala lumpur si de acolo in manado ar costa 85 dolari americani (tarifele astea sunt dus-intors)-pana in londra se poate prinde un low cost cu vro 100 euro .Deci nu ar ajunge atat de scump.Sincer m-ar tenta dar tb sa ma mai gandesc...
Cu airasia din londra ar costa cam 368 lire sterline pana in kuala lumpur si de acolo in manado ar costa 85 dolari americani (tarifele astea sunt dus-intors)-pana in londra se poate prinde un low cost cu vro 100 euro .Deci nu ar ajunge atat de scump.Sincer m-ar tenta dar tb sa ma mai gandesc...
- Misa
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Da, doar liveaboard. Vin 100% in Aprilie 2010. Eventual in Raja Ampat sau Komodo islandPrincipe76 wrote:Ma tenteaza sa fac o "iesire" in Aprilie 2010 in Indonezia.
Mai exact aici:
Cazarea este ieftina. transportul insa nu. Sau poate fi rezonabil daca imi cumpar bilete din timp.
Mai tenteaza pe cineva?
ps: ar fi frumos 2 saptamani...1-a e prea putin si cel putin 1/3 din bani se duc pe avioane.
The worst day diving is better than the best day working.
- peret
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CMAS - Location: Nummela, Finland
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Eu am fost in Indonezia de 3 ori pina acum cu munca nu cu distractia dar am apucat si sa ma balacesc in doua weekenduri in zona Thousand Islands aproape de Jakarta deci cu vizibilitate mediocra spre nasoala (Am postat poze si descrierea aventurilor pe forum la Locuri de Scufundari)
Ideea e ca cursele interne de se prabusesc deci atentie cu ce zburati pe acolo.
Turisti se mai rapesc, bombe se mai pun (eu am plecat din hotel cu 30 de ore inainte de a da cu bombe in Ritz-Carlton-ul din Jakarta anul acesta)...
Daca stai la hotel ieftin...te pisca gizele si te maninca animalele de prin preajma si te caci imprastiat
, daca stai la unul scump poti sa te trezesti cu o bomba sub cur
, iei un taxiu gresit si ramii in chiloti deci e cam ruleta ruseasca si nu sint fricos din am batut lumea asta in lung si-n lat si am si trait un an si jumatate in Arabia Saudita unde-ti puneaa de asemenea bombe sub cur si te mitralierau pe autostrada asa de control dar Indonezia mi s-a parut mult mai nesigura decit Orientul Mijlociu.
Partea buna e ca totul e super ieftin...cel ma ieftin loc unde am fost pina rest bafta si "succesuri" si asteptam poze.
Ideea e ca cursele interne de se prabusesc deci atentie cu ce zburati pe acolo.
Turisti se mai rapesc, bombe se mai pun (eu am plecat din hotel cu 30 de ore inainte de a da cu bombe in Ritz-Carlton-ul din Jakarta anul acesta)...
Daca stai la hotel ieftin...te pisca gizele si te maninca animalele de prin preajma si te caci imprastiat

Partea buna e ca totul e super ieftin...cel ma ieftin loc unde am fost pina rest bafta si "succesuri" si asteptam poze.
- Misa
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Daca mergem cu Liveaboard cat de ghinionisti putem sa fim in acele doua drumuri de la vas la aeroport dus intors sa ne luam o bomba sub cur ?peret wrote:Eu am fost in Indonezia de 3 ori pina acum cu munca nu cu distractia dar am apucat si sa ma balacesc in doua weekenduri in zona Thousand Islands aproape de Jakarta deci cu vizibilitate mediocra spre nasoala (Am postat poze si descrierea aventurilor pe forum la Locuri de Scufundari)
Ideea e ca cursele interne de se prabusesc deci atentie cu ce zburati pe acolo.
Turisti se mai rapesc, bombe se mai pun (eu am plecat din hotel cu 30 de ore inainte de a da cu bombe in Ritz-Carlton-ul din Jakarta anul acesta)...
Daca stai la hotel ieftin...te pisca gizele si te maninca animalele de prin preajma si te caci imprastiat, daca stai la unul scump poti sa te trezesti cu o bomba sub cur
, iei un taxiu gresit si ramii in chiloti deci e cam ruleta ruseasca si nu sint fricos din am batut lumea asta in lung si-n lat si am si trait un an si jumatate in Arabia Saudita unde-ti puneaa de asemenea bombe sub cur si te mitralierau pe autostrada asa de control dar Indonezia mi s-a parut mult mai nesigura decit Orientul Mijlociu.
Partea buna e ca totul e super ieftin...cel ma ieftin loc unde am fost pina rest bafta si "succesuri" si asteptam poze.

The worst day diving is better than the best day working.
- peret
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CMAS - Location: Nummela, Finland
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Cu astia m-am scufundat eu a doua oara. CLub serios cu instructori si DM seriosi. Aici au o oferta pentru Raja Ampat:
Dear all,
Mark your calendar on November 22-29, 2009 for a dream dive trip to Raja Ampat, West Papua, where all the fishes live. Many divers even call it the diving's Holy Grail, for after Raja Ampat, diving will never be the same again.
Located off the north western tip of the island of New Guinea, Raja Ampat is one of the richest reefs in the world. As we are going to dive with Papua Diving that pioneered diving in the area, it is guaranteed everybody will go home with loads of great pictures to talk about years to come.
Max Ammer, the owner of Papua Diving ( will also guide a full day dive trip to Blue Water Mangroves and make sure everbody leaves Raja Ampat with unforgettable tales to tell. The package includes 7-night fullboard accommodation at Kri Eco Resort offering authentic over-water cottages for a true Papuan experience. From Sorong, the resort is 2-hour speedboat ride away and it's in the heart of Raja Ampat, where the most famous sites are, ie. Mike's Point, Mios Kon, Cape Kri, Mansuar, Manta Point, Chicken Reef (there's a funny story about why it's called Chicken Reef, which you will hear it from the guide during the briefing!), Sardines Reef, Sleeping Barracuda, etc.
Excellent food and friendly atmosphere, nobody wants to leave this place after a week. Some will definitely vow to plan a comeback trip.
Detailed fees per person:
* Dive trip package (15 dives including a day trip to The Passage and Blue Water Mangroves, 7-night fullboard accommodation, return transfer Sorong-Kri Island): USD 1,415
* Marine Park entry fee: Rp 500,000 for expats/foreigners and Rp 250,00 for Indonesian citizen
* Conservation fee for red birds of paradise trip: Rp 100,000 (optional, only for those joining the early morning trekking to see the birds of paradise)
Merpati Airlines flies daily to Sorong from Jakarta. Here's the schedule of suggested flight:
Jakarta-Sorong: Sunday, Nov 22 departs 05.30, arrives via Makassar at 12.30
Sorong- Jakarta: Sunday, Nov 29 departs 15.50, arrives via Makassar at 18.40
For those who don't mind staying up all night, you can fly with Batavia Air:
Jakarta-Sorong: Saturday, Nov 21 departs 22.45, arrives via Makassar at 07.00 on Nov 22
Sorong - Jakarta: Sunday, Nov 29 departs 10.20, arrives via Makassar at 13.15
For more information, contact :
Kristal Klear Dive
@ Hotel Kristal
Terogong Raya, Cilandak Barat,
Jakarta Selatan, 12430. Indonesia
Ph. (6221) 7507050 x 674
Ph/Fax (6221) 75818025
Dear all,
Mark your calendar on November 22-29, 2009 for a dream dive trip to Raja Ampat, West Papua, where all the fishes live. Many divers even call it the diving's Holy Grail, for after Raja Ampat, diving will never be the same again.
Located off the north western tip of the island of New Guinea, Raja Ampat is one of the richest reefs in the world. As we are going to dive with Papua Diving that pioneered diving in the area, it is guaranteed everybody will go home with loads of great pictures to talk about years to come.
Max Ammer, the owner of Papua Diving ( will also guide a full day dive trip to Blue Water Mangroves and make sure everbody leaves Raja Ampat with unforgettable tales to tell. The package includes 7-night fullboard accommodation at Kri Eco Resort offering authentic over-water cottages for a true Papuan experience. From Sorong, the resort is 2-hour speedboat ride away and it's in the heart of Raja Ampat, where the most famous sites are, ie. Mike's Point, Mios Kon, Cape Kri, Mansuar, Manta Point, Chicken Reef (there's a funny story about why it's called Chicken Reef, which you will hear it from the guide during the briefing!), Sardines Reef, Sleeping Barracuda, etc.
Excellent food and friendly atmosphere, nobody wants to leave this place after a week. Some will definitely vow to plan a comeback trip.
Detailed fees per person:
* Dive trip package (15 dives including a day trip to The Passage and Blue Water Mangroves, 7-night fullboard accommodation, return transfer Sorong-Kri Island): USD 1,415
* Marine Park entry fee: Rp 500,000 for expats/foreigners and Rp 250,00 for Indonesian citizen
* Conservation fee for red birds of paradise trip: Rp 100,000 (optional, only for those joining the early morning trekking to see the birds of paradise)
Merpati Airlines flies daily to Sorong from Jakarta. Here's the schedule of suggested flight:
Jakarta-Sorong: Sunday, Nov 22 departs 05.30, arrives via Makassar at 12.30
Sorong- Jakarta: Sunday, Nov 29 departs 15.50, arrives via Makassar at 18.40
For those who don't mind staying up all night, you can fly with Batavia Air:
Jakarta-Sorong: Saturday, Nov 21 departs 22.45, arrives via Makassar at 07.00 on Nov 22
Sorong - Jakarta: Sunday, Nov 29 departs 10.20, arrives via Makassar at 13.15
For more information, contact :
Kristal Klear Dive
@ Hotel Kristal
Terogong Raya, Cilandak Barat,
Jakarta Selatan, 12430. Indonesia
Ph. (6221) 7507050 x 674
Ph/Fax (6221) 75818025
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