Cel putin unul din cei din grupul cu care mergem - Doru - e mort dupa motociclete (si visa la un trip pe KTM prin desert), si i-am gasit, vorbind cu niste tipi de pe scubaboard din Hurghada, o distractie pentru 12 octombrie - ziua fara scufundari:
Have now proudly running Bike Egypt operation but can take only 4 customers at the same time because limited amount of bikes. Have 3 x KTM 530 new models and 1 Honda 650 XR also like new.
I run the trips at teh moment as half days/one tank runs. That mean in practice about 2 to 3 hours ride. Distance for one ride depending of the riders 65 km up to 160 km. Ride difficulty is planned according to riders experience.
Hurghada desert is mixture of fast and slow, local dunes and soft sand, slow and more difficult and totally open desert as well..
Have some destinations like Wadis with palmtrees and greens, some old ruins or just ride without any destination.
Generally I ride and dont visit any camps but incase guest wants we can stop and have look at the touristic beduin camps as well...have not done that many time to be honest..we are the for the ride!
Price for this fun is €90 for the bike included helmet and googles. Full protection extra €20
Pentru Doru deja am confirmat distractia asta. Mai sunteti si altii interesati pentru data de 12?, sa stiu ce sa ii zic individului (e un finlandez pasionat de scuba si din cate am inteles si campion pe la ceva raliuri, stabilit in Hurghada). In principiu, puteti fi maxim 4, si obligatoriu experimentati, ca traseul sa fie de dificultate. Probabil se poate discuta si pentru un trip de o zi intreaga daca sunt doritori suficient de multi cat sa dictati conditiile.
P.S. Eu am fost doar intermediarul pentru Doru din cauza ca il stiam pe cel care ma putea ajuta cu chestia asta, in rest sunt paralel cu motocicletele - mi se par cam sinucigase.