Buddy Check
Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 10:06 pm
...cati il facem? cand il facem si cum il facem?
Eu unul sunt mai fixist si nu ma joc cu chestiile astea. Am refuzat sa ma bag la un dive in Maldive cu un englezoi care imi fusese dat ca buddy atunci cand a facut ochii mari cand a auzit de buddy check....Avea 5 scufundari la activ, de-abia facuse OWD undeva in UK si totusi uitase dupa o saptamana ce e aia buddy check...pana la urma l-a luat in primire DM-ul si eu am plecat cu o frantuzoaica :-)
Stiu ca in materialul de curs este data ca ajutor fraza "Begin With Review And Friend". Instructorul meu m-a invatat insa cu "Bangkok Women Really Are Fellas".
You want to check that your buddy's BCD is working properly. Begin by inflating their BCD, although not completely as you don't want to make your buddy uncomfortable. Also deflate the BCD to ensure that the deflator is working properly.
Check your buddy's weight system. How you do this will depend upon what weight system your buddy is using.
Weight Belt: Check that your buddy's weight belt is on properly and that the quick release is free of obstructions and easily accessible. Any excess length of belt should not be tied or tucked into the BCD in such a way that it's difficult to release.
Integrated Weights: Check that your buddy has their weight pockets in their BCD (with weights in them!), that they are properly secured, and that you know how to release them.
Check that all of your buddy's releases are properly secured. This includes their Velcro waist band and at least two shoulder clips. Many BCDs also have a chest and stomach clip. It's a good idea to touch each clip as you check it and even count each one out loud as you do so. Remember to check the tank strap and clip. You can do this by placing one hand on the bottom of the tank and the other on the first stage regulator and trying to move the tank up and down to see if the strap will move.
Check that your buddy's air is turned all the way on and half a turn back. Have your buddy take one or more breaths from their regulator while you watch their SPG. While you look at the SPG, ensure that the tank is full (approximately 200 bar or 3000 psi) and that the needle doesn't dip as they breathe. If the needle dips this is a sign that the air isn't turned all the way on or there is a problem with the regulator. You should also test your buddy's alternate air source by taking two breaths from it.
Final OK
Check that your buddy has all other necessary equipment such as mask and fins. Ask your buddy if they're ready to go and if all is ok you're ready to dive.
Eu unul sunt mai fixist si nu ma joc cu chestiile astea. Am refuzat sa ma bag la un dive in Maldive cu un englezoi care imi fusese dat ca buddy atunci cand a facut ochii mari cand a auzit de buddy check....Avea 5 scufundari la activ, de-abia facuse OWD undeva in UK si totusi uitase dupa o saptamana ce e aia buddy check...pana la urma l-a luat in primire DM-ul si eu am plecat cu o frantuzoaica :-)
Stiu ca in materialul de curs este data ca ajutor fraza "Begin With Review And Friend". Instructorul meu m-a invatat insa cu "Bangkok Women Really Are Fellas".
You want to check that your buddy's BCD is working properly. Begin by inflating their BCD, although not completely as you don't want to make your buddy uncomfortable. Also deflate the BCD to ensure that the deflator is working properly.
Check your buddy's weight system. How you do this will depend upon what weight system your buddy is using.
Weight Belt: Check that your buddy's weight belt is on properly and that the quick release is free of obstructions and easily accessible. Any excess length of belt should not be tied or tucked into the BCD in such a way that it's difficult to release.
Integrated Weights: Check that your buddy has their weight pockets in their BCD (with weights in them!), that they are properly secured, and that you know how to release them.
Check that all of your buddy's releases are properly secured. This includes their Velcro waist band and at least two shoulder clips. Many BCDs also have a chest and stomach clip. It's a good idea to touch each clip as you check it and even count each one out loud as you do so. Remember to check the tank strap and clip. You can do this by placing one hand on the bottom of the tank and the other on the first stage regulator and trying to move the tank up and down to see if the strap will move.
Check that your buddy's air is turned all the way on and half a turn back. Have your buddy take one or more breaths from their regulator while you watch their SPG. While you look at the SPG, ensure that the tank is full (approximately 200 bar or 3000 psi) and that the needle doesn't dip as they breathe. If the needle dips this is a sign that the air isn't turned all the way on or there is a problem with the regulator. You should also test your buddy's alternate air source by taking two breaths from it.
Final OK
Check that your buddy has all other necessary equipment such as mask and fins. Ask your buddy if they're ready to go and if all is ok you're ready to dive.