Costum uscat trilaminat
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:56 pm
Otter Britannic Telescopic ... copic.html
Standard Specification
Telescopic Torso
Skin Material in Black, Blue or Orange
Heavy Duty Latex Wrist and Neck
Double Knee Pads
Heavy Duty Neoprene Lined Boots
Front Zip with Outer Zipped Cover
1 Cargo, 1 Zipped Pocket
2 Arm Reflectors
Apex Valves or Si-Tech (Cuff and AutoDump)
Internal Braces
Dry-style Hood with Reflector
SUBVESMANT OTTER ARCTIC 200 ... erpak.html
Costumul e negru, XL, cizmulitele sunt 42, cagula neagra. Subvesmantul negru.
Ambele sunt "NOI", folosite o singura scufundare, nu exista nici cel mai mic semn de folosire. Se acorda garantie.
Se vand costumul+subvesmantul,ambele cu sacul lor, furtunul pt inlet aer. ===1100 euro. ... copic.html
Standard Specification
Telescopic Torso
Skin Material in Black, Blue or Orange
Heavy Duty Latex Wrist and Neck
Double Knee Pads
Heavy Duty Neoprene Lined Boots
Front Zip with Outer Zipped Cover
1 Cargo, 1 Zipped Pocket
2 Arm Reflectors
Apex Valves or Si-Tech (Cuff and AutoDump)
Internal Braces
Dry-style Hood with Reflector
SUBVESMANT OTTER ARCTIC 200 ... erpak.html
Costumul e negru, XL, cizmulitele sunt 42, cagula neagra. Subvesmantul negru.
Ambele sunt "NOI", folosite o singura scufundare, nu exista nici cel mai mic semn de folosire. Se acorda garantie.
Se vand costumul+subvesmantul,ambele cu sacul lor, furtunul pt inlet aer. ===1100 euro.